Plumbing balancing is the process of regulating and adjusting the flow of media in the various branches and components of a hydraulic system to ensure an even distribution of flow and to maintain optimum efficiency and user comfort. Here is more information on balancing hydraulic systems:

Working Principle: In hydraulic systems such as heating, cooling or water supply systems, balancing is to adjust control valves and controls to achieve even flow distribution. Correct balancing ensures that each branch of the system receives the right amount of medium, which translates into even heating or cooling of rooms.

Balancing process: Balancing hydraulic systems includes the following steps:

  1. Flow measurement: Flow measurements are made in various branches and system components to determine the current values ​​of the flow of the medium.
  2. Valve adjustment: Based on the measurement results, the control valves are adjusted accordingly to ensure an even flow in the various branches of the system. The valves can be adjusted manually or with electronic regulators.Kontrola ciśnienia: W niektórych przypadkach, balansowanie instalacji hydraulicznych może obejmować również kontrolę ciśnienia w poszczególnych gałęziach, aby utrzymać równomierne warunki pracy systemu.

Balancing benefits:

  1. Optimum performance: Plumbing balancing ensures that the fluid flow is evenly distributed in all branches of the system. This ensures optimal system performance, minimizes pressure loss and improves occupant comfort.
  2. Energy Savings: Proper balancing allows energy to be used efficiently, minimizing heat or cooling loss and preventing overuse of the pump or other equipment.
  3. Noise reduction: Even distribution of media flow reduces turbulence and noise generated by unbalanced hydraulic systems.
  4. Longer equipment life: Properly balanced hydraulic systems minimize excessive stress on certain components, such as pumps and valves, which translates into increased equipment life.

We use the HerzComp 650 for hydronic balancing of heating and cooling systems. It measures static pressure, differential pressure and flows in these systems. Using the differential pressure measured by the measuring computer in the system, HerzComp 650 calculates the flow through the valve. The application corrects the calculated flow also for antifreeze mixtures in refrigeration systems.

HerzComp 650 Instrument Features:

The heart of the instrument is the pressure measurement unit, which measures the pressure in the hydraulic system components and sends the measured values ​​to a mobile device with the Android or iOS operating system. Inside the measurement unit there is a hydraulic section with a built-in symmetrical differential sensor for accurate digital processing of measurement data.

The HerzComp 650 is a highly accurate measuring instrument and this accuracy is based on:

Highly accurate pressure measurement with a fully differential pressure sensor and 24-bit pressure sensor data processing

Differential pressure reset capabilities for measuring very small differential pressures.

The HerzComp 650 instrument uses advanced digital technologies to compensate for inaccuracies typically found in pressure measurements, such as temperature dependence and measurement non-linearity.